5 psychological techniques for building self-confidence

Every so often, you don’t need to be very attractive or have a lot of money to feel confident about yourself. Self-confidence comes from within you, and this is something that nobody can take away from you. There are no complicated rules to follow. You just need to know how to develop it in yourself because you will need it in every part of your life journey. These five psychology techniques will help you build a strong sense of confidence, which would be greatly beneficial to you.

Never forget that you are still a work in progress

There are occasions when our human logic leads us to accept that failure is a sign of weakness or inferiority. We frequently encounter the fear of being wrong or appearing foolish due to our excessive concern about the potential consequences. This is why many of us find it difficult to take risks even when things are tough. We often make safe decisions within our comfort zone to feel secure, which gives us the confidence we think we require. 

It’s normal for people to feel scared and uncertain when they leave their comfort zone. But what happens if we rely entirely on our comfort zones? You may feel at ease within your comfort zone; however, you may be overlooking the possibility that being overly confident within your confines may result in fragility and limitations.   

How can one develop a level of confidence that can endure beyond their comfort zone?  You can achieve this by changing your attitude towards failure. To put it simply, making mistakes is a fundamental aspect of human learning. Don’t be afraid to make one and admit your mistake. No one is immune to failure, so it is not a sign of weakness or stupidity.  Failure reveals your flaws and helps you grow as a person.

You will never learn what is right if you refuse to acknowledge your mistakes. It is important to remember that no one can progress in life if they only believe that they are always right, as there must be room in your head for improvement. As you carry out your daily responsibilities, bear in mind that you are a work in progress. Despite the possibility of occasional errors, you are diligently striving to improve, and that is a worthy cause for celebration.

Develop the habit of learning from past experience

Learning from your past experience can help you when you step outside your comfort zone. There are certain opportunities that may come your way that could lead to unexpected destinations. You may also encounter opportunities that push you beyond your comfort zone, which could reshape your interests or alter your way of living. 

Confident people are more than just fearless or invincible. They are students of life who learn to believe in themselves by going through different experiences. Every confident person has had at least one knowledgable experience outside their comfort zone.

For example, suppose you are starting a new job in a field you are not very knowledgeable about. On your first day, you may experience feelings of overwhelm and frustration; however, as time passes, you begin to feel better, thereby establishing a sense of belonging. This is the mechanism by which confidence functions with the passage of time.  

Everyone who has experienced something new for the first time will tell you that it was very intimidating. But as we get more experience, we overcome that problem and our outlook changes. This is when we realize that nothing is as difficult as it seems. 

So, how do you achieve a strong sense of self-confidence? We can do so through experience, and a lot of it.  You can also accomplish this by pursuing as many opportunities as possible. When I say opportunities, I mean exposing yourself to new jobs, new people, and new ways of thinking. 

It’s okay not to know everything at once. Being brave enough to try something new is crucial for building self-confidence. This is another way to boost your self-confidence.

Be prepared to embrace change

What are the things you are currently doing in your life that you don’t enjoy?  Is there a person, job, or activity that you are afraid to let go of?  With each passing day, think about the people you care about and the choices you make. Are you happy with the direction your life is going?  

I know for certain that there are many people who are perfectly content with a life filled with misery. The surprising part is that they are capable of changing their situation, but they cannot because the need for change is too scary for them. If your situation is similar to the ones I mentioned, you should know that these are the things making you feel less confident. As one becomes used to this way of life, they tend to forget that it prevents them from taking the best opportunities that could bring them happiness. 

Do you know that changing your current situation can make you feel more confident?  Getting rid of things that are not good for you is a good way to feel more confident. This helps you achieve what you want.  

Think about your goals and where you want to be in the next 10 years. With this goal in mind, you can make small changes that will make you feel more confident when you make big decisions in your life. You could start practising change by removing something from your comfort zone that you don’t like, for example, an unattractive piece of furniture in your home. You can also try new outfits in your closet that you wouldn’t normally wear. Better yet, you can learn to stop your bad habits permanently for good. This should be your ultimate goal when you’re looking to make a positive change that boosts your self-confidence. 

Making a change during a difficult time can help you feel more confident when making decisions for the future. This is the first step in building up self-confidence.

Learn how to take your own advice

Many of you, during difficult times, are fond of giving advice to your friends and family instead of using that advice to improve your situation.  Occasionally, you may need to follow your advice to build more self-confidence. The advice we give others can be a solution to our problems. The issue we face is that we are aware that the same advice may prove beneficial to us; however, we are hesitant to take advantage of it. 

When you encounter a conflict or require a resolution to your issues, it is advisable to seek your counsel. If, however, you are afraid to follow your advice, you could pretend that your friend came to visit you with a concern and was searching for advice. Tell yourself what you think by looking into a mirror. Whatever comes into your mind is the advice you should follow. 

Every so often, the advice you give others may be the one that you need to take to change your situation. This will help you feel confident about yourself.

Develop the Habit of expressing your feelings

Have you ever been hesitant to share your thoughts with others because you didn’t feel comfortable speaking up, especially in a large group?  Many people are afraid to share their thoughts because they worry about what others might think. They feel reluctant to share their views because they feel that their opinion may be worthless. Instead of sharing their opinion, they’d rather accept the opinions of others, even if it doesn’t lead anywhere. 

The truth is that everyone’s opinion is valuable because the goal of an opinion is to come up with a solution. Your ability to express yourself can be impacted by the type of people you surround yourself with. When you spend time with people who only value certain opinions, it’s harder for you to be yourself in their company, which will probably hurt your self-esteem.

Being able to express yourself without pressure is important for building self-confidence. When you learn how to say what you think, you will feel more confident about your ideas and thoughts. This will make it easier for people to get to know you. You can boost your self-confidence by daring to express yourself when necessary.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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